~Kathleen S. McGowan~ A Light on the Path to Healing, Health & Freedom.
Heightened Consciousness brings... Kindness, Understanding, Gratitude, Wisdom, Heightened Knowledge
and Collaboration.
Heightened Consciousness brings... Kindness, Understanding, Gratitude, Wisdom, Heightened Knowledge
and Collaboration.
Kathleen S. McGowan,
~The Wellness LifeStylist~
"Raising awareness and understanding. Helping heal body, mind, spirit and lives".
Hello, I'm Kathleen McGowan, affectionately known as The Wellness LifeStylist.
I'm happy to have you visit!
I've created this site to respectfully introduce myself to those who are led here and for those who desire to learn more about my teachings, consulting, speaking and work in health, wellness, empowerment and freedom. This site shares insight and knowledge of the interconnection of body, mind and spirit and of the innate healing capability of our body.
If we listen to what our body is trying to communicate to us in its miraculous way, (what Western medicine refers to as symptoms), i.e. pain and dis-Ease in our body and life, and then give it the opportunity; our body can and will initiate the healing activity that is necessary (on all levels) in our life!
Within this website I provide a brief overview of my life's work; which is my calling. I am grateful that for more than 38 years I have had the opportunity of helping individuals with their health and their journey in life. I consider it a wonderful blessing to help people, (and animals). Being a conduit of light and assisting in the innate ability of the healing of the body, mind and spirit is my calling and a joy to my heart!
After visiting this site if you desire to gain more information about how I may assist you or a loved-one, I've created convenient links to my associated resource websites:
These sites listed above provide additional health information and descriptions of the mentoring, seminars, trainings, speaking engagements and holistic services that I, along with my collaborative colleagues provide.
The links can be found on the top navigation bar of this site under the titles on Emotional & True-Being.
In my calling to help others heal, grow, be empowerment and exercise their gift of freedom, I've also created an Information and Advocacy Resources section within this site. This Resources section contains important source references to help you; and to help you help others by sharing the information. The Resources section is about health and empowerment. It's about healing and restoring one's body, mind and spirit. It's about the journey of enlightenment; understanding; consciousness; transcending restrictive barriers; healing; True-being empowerment; inspiration and freedom.
Everything I share in my mentoring/trainings sessions as a Holistic health professional, coach and in my mentoring comes from a place of absolute heart-felt understanding. My depth of understanding on the subject matters I help individuals with not only comes from booked-learned knowledge, but more importantly, it comes from a place of significant personal experience.
I have personally walked the journey of everything that I teach and mentor on; including the path and long-winding road of healing from abuse. It is my belief that there is a purpose for everything we experience in life. I personally believe that if we just look deep enough that purpose will be revealed to us. I believe that most often it is the journey of our most significant pain that leads us to where we discover healing and our
I choose to utilize the experience and knowledge that I have gained from the depth of that pain... To be a light on the path of healing, health, empowerment and freedom for others.
If my message resonates with you, then I believe from the depth of my heart that I can assist you in your journey.
When your soul is calling to you for answers on how to reclaim your health and reclaim 'YOU"... I am here for you.
I dedicate my teachings and life's work to:
~ All those who... seek: truth, optimal health and informed consent
~ All those who... stand strong in holding tight to their freedom and rights to have the responsibility themselves for the safety of their family, particularly their children
~ All those who... have 'lost their voice' innocently due to freedom of their True-being having been stolen from them
~ All those who... live (survive) in fear
~ All those who... have the desire to overcome obstacles challenging them in their life
~ All those who... desire healing of their body-(physically), mind- (emotionally), spirit- (their light)
~ All those who... have the desire to reconnect to their True-Being (their spirit)
~ All those who... have the desire to reclaim their life and live empowered, happy and in fulfillment of their inner-calling
~ All those who... Take action to "Be the change in the world that they wish to see"
~ To all those who... Love & Shine Light
Thank you for being here!
It is my hope that you will not just glance, but consciously seek truth as you read the content in these pages.
There truly has never been a better time in our lifetime than NOW... to seek for truth; to use the gifs that we were born with; and to reawaken our dreams and allow them to come true!
It is my hope that you will enjoy and respect your journey. Respect the journey of others and have gratitude in all things!
Always, in peace, grace & gratitude.
Kathleen S. McGowan
Holistic Health & Wellness Educator/Mentor
Native American Medicine Woman Practitioner
Peace, Freedom & Empowerment Advocate
Awareness Advocate of freedom from all forms of abuse - Human & Animal
Global Humanitarian
I am a woman of deep faith, kindness and compassion. I've spent my adult life being a multi-disciplined natural healthcare professional, Advocate, speaker, mentor, energy healer, spiritual teacher, and nutritional supplement formulator of plant-based whole-food (non-synthetic) supplements.
Two of the areas I specialize in are: Identifying an individual's unique body type, both their 'Hormonal' body type & their 'Ayurvedic' dosha. I also specialize in plant-based digestive enzyme support.
My passion is in helping people, something that I have been doing for more than 40 years. My scope of assisting others is broad, including, but not limited to: nutrition, holistic/natural medicine, healing, body, mind spirit connection and energy-healing.
In regards to helping individuals achieve the ideal weight.... I focus on a person's health and wellness - (all aspects). Achieving good health (being in balance) is the key to bringing about 'natural' weight loss/balance. My teachings and mentoring allows for those who have experienced decades of 'yo-yo' dieting and fad diets to finally break this destructive cycle.
I feel it a blessing to help those I touch, helping them heal the wounds that reside deep within. Identifying and then healing these wounds is a catalyst that allows for 'extra weight' (on all levels) to be released naturally and for authentic healing to occur at the body, mind and spirit level... layer by layer.
I am an inspirational speaker, trainer, spiritual teacher, mentor/coach, vocalist, Doctor of Divinity, and (via induction) a Native American Medicine Women. I am also a responsible & passionate animal lover, advocate and humanitarian.
My professional career began in the allopathic/Western medicine field. At the age of twenty, shortly after the early death of my father, I began a transition into the natural/holistic health and wellness field where I have assisted thousands of individuals worldwide with their health, weight loss/management and nutrition needs for many years now.
My focus in helping people in their journey of healing and health is in being able to identify areas of energy imbalance. Then getting to the 'root' of the energetic blockages and imbalances created through many different sources, such as: environment and/or trauma(s) the individual has experienced/or is currently experiencing; thus allowing for genuine healing to occur on all levels... physically, emotionally and spiritually.
In the journey of integrating the deep callings of Body, Mind and Spirit, I assist people in understanding that if any of these areas are left unaddressed, the journey in one's life for authentic healing, sustained health, empowerment and inner-peace to transpire will most likely be a journey of continued struggle, until the root cause of this struggle is fully addressed. Then as the 'disconnected dots' (which are present on some level in a person's life and are a root cause of continued struggle) become 're-connected', a deeper understanding can then transpire within the person. This then allowing for healing to transpire on all areas of the person's life.
I believe that genuine understanding of the Body, Mind, Spirit connection, being/becoming conscious, and allowing these areas to be re-connected, are a necessary part of one's journey to vibrant health, happiness and inner-peace. It is also my belief that this connection and consciousness is necessary in order for a person to discover their True-being. Then in a direct and focused manner work toward the realization of their Higher-purpose.
In addition to my speaking engagements with live audiences, I have been blessed to be a featured television and radio-talk-show educator on health, nutrition, natural cruelty-free skincare, freedom and environmental issues, both domestically and abroad.
I am a passionate and inspirational healer, speaker and trainer. It has been stated by others that I am a light who has been gifted with the ability to penetrate the hearts of those I come in contact with in a healing manner. My foundation of this light is solidly grounded in my faith and in genuine caring about the health, freedom and empowerment of others.
I've spent considerable time over the years in Europe and on my studies in energy healing. I have traveled extensively lecturing, as well as in my capacity as health advisor to celebrities, athletes and extreme endurance personalities.
I look upon my teaching and mentoring to the people that reach out to me as a beautiful blessing in my life. My heart is deeply touched with every individual who my journey touches, as they gain 'deeper understanding' about their journey in life. With this understanding comes a re-claimed hope for them when it is lost, allowing them to then take the steps necessary for a beautiful growth/shift to occur. A shift that inspires them and positively affects them in all regards.
It is my hope that with this consciousness and deeper connection to their innate knowledge and wisdom, that these individuals continue along on their journey and share these innate elements of understanding and caring with others they touch, all for the purpose of good.
Instilling into the world genuine caring about what is truly important in life... Something deeper than surface is deeply important to me. Being divinely connected and seeing and being connected with nature, in a state of consciousness- present in each moment; I believe is the only path to being connected to what is deeper than ego and solely surface. This consciousness, I deeply believe is necessary for the awareness of True-being to emerge; for the courage needed for the journey of transformation and understanding, compassion; for the drive, desire and strength to pursue shining light and good into the world. To genuinely helping and not harming others. To bring about truth and freedom for the good and the innocent.
I am a passionate advocate for:
• Awareness & Prevention and Freedom from abuse - (Human & Animal)
• Healing from the aftermath of abuse
• Awareness & Prevention of Child molestation and other forms of abuse
• The truth about what health is and what it is not, and everything that either positively or negatively affects the body of all living beings
• Human Rights to have clean water and clean air & food
• Human rights, particularly to all aspects that can affect our health and that of our families
• Individual's Rights to Freedom and in advocating 'Responsible' freedom.
• Awareness of the worldwide human trafficking tragedy and healing & empowerment assistance for victims
My messages of inspiration are that of faith, kindness, consciousness, courage and love... to heal lives, transcend restrictive barriers, gain empowerment, flourish and to help others.
My calling and focus is in helping those who are currently existing in non-healthy, abusive (verbally and/or physical) environments, and those who are now out of such environments, yet continue to experience the aftermath/the cyclical damaging effects and behaviors that are created when having lived/survived through such controlling life/energy-robbing experiences. My greatest other calling is to help and defend the innocent... children and animals.
As I continue to share my innate gifts, knowledge and experience, it is my hope that life-empowering blessings transpire in the health and lives of all those who I am blessed to touch.
Always in peace, grace and gratitude,
"God grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change... Courage to change the things I can... and Wisdom to know the difference".
Chronic struggle many times causes 'loss of hope'. Regaining hope is vital for healing to transpire, on all levels in our life.
Fear can cause the feeling of 'walking on egg-shells' and it paralyzes.
Getting unstuck from fear is a necessary step in the self-discovery and healing process.
When we feel 'lost in our own world', gaining understanding and clarity is essential for authentic healing to transpire, and for a 'life-shift' to occur.
The Body, Mind and Spirit are intricately connected, thus all three must be addressed for authentic healing to transpire.
Understanding that 'dis-EASE' leads to /Cellular Malfunction, (a.k.a. 'disease') is the first step to understanding what we need to do in our lives to actually heal and restore 'good health'.
The Journey of 'Stepping Into True-Being' is a vital part of properly Detoxifying, Renewing, and Restoring health, well-being and balance in our life.
Being empowered comes from walking in the present and in our 'True-Being', no longer being stuck in our 'past story' or defined by it.
The continued practice of being 'conscious' and living in the present moment, allows us to 'live' our life in our 'True-Being' state.
Being and living in our 'True-Being' state is vital to finding Inner Peace.
'You' wanting to find 'YOU' is the first step of the Journey to creating a happy and fulfilled life. It is the necessary step to having and maintaining good health.
~Mission Statement~
To listen to God’s inspired direction through Holy Spirit.
To be a Presence that inspires others.
To Elevate lives through servant-based leadership.
To Facilitate… Heart-guided Growth, Awakening of Innate Gifts, and Fulfillment of dreams through collaborative synergistic mentorship and life-changing friendships.
To Foster and Grow an environment of Safety, Understanding, Clarity, Heartfelt Acceptance of Genuine Authenticity, Vision, Healing and Wellness.
To be a Presence that Lights the Path on the Journey of Life Transformation and Higher-Purpose Realization in All those whose lives that I am blessed to touch.
To Be Thankful To God, Always.
From the heart of,
Kathleen S. McGowan
If you would like to receive news and updates please enter your email below. (Seminars & Retreats beginning again in 2025) Thank you! Kind regards, Kathleen
Please Care Enough... 10+ Million CHILDREN are trapped in sex labor. Let's make a difference together by being informed of this atrocity, and share awareness about it.